Best Paper Award offered by Buildings Journal
At the closing ceremony of the C70 Anniversary Conference held on Friday, November 10, 2023, Buildings Journal from MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) offered a special award price for an extended abstract included in the conference volume. The paper selected by the judging committee was „Testing of Precast Concrete Shear Panels” and represents a significant contribution by the authors: Dan Miclăușoiu, Gabor-Almos Sandor, Horia Constantinescu, Bogdan Hegeș, Ovidiu Prodan and Mihai Nedelcu.
Denès Orsolya, Editor of Buildings Journal was honored to present the award and Codruța Fernea, Marketing Manager of MDPI in Romania, was present to mark this special moment.

Conference Topics
The scientific papers of the Conference are focused on the following topics:
– Structural mechanics
– Soil mechanics and foundations
– Reinforced concrete structures
– Steel structures
– Buildings and construction materials
– Roads, bridges and railways
– Construction technologies and management
– Building services
– Architecture and engineering graphics
– Cadastral survey methodologies and techniques
– Challenges in teaching civil engineering
Information regarding the registration, extended abstract template and important dates for the conference may be found on the following website:
The deadline for the extended abstract submission is September 30th, 2023. UTPRESS will publish accepted extended abstracts in a Conference Proceedings volume, distributed to all registered conference participants.
The template for the extended abstract submission can be downloaded from C70_Extended_Abstract.doc
The link for the paper upload:
There is the possibility to publish an extended abstract as an article in the journal „Buildings”, with an impact factor of 3.8 and Q2 classification, in the Special Volume created in the context of the C70 Conference.
All articles submitted for publication will be evaluated according to the journal’s internal procedures. Articles accepted for publication may benefit from a 30% discount on the publication fee, which is assessed individually for each article. This possibility contributes to increasing the visibility of your work in the scientific community.
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